Friday, May 01, 2009

New Jersey!

So I've fallen a little behind on blogging since getting back from my trip. I fell a little behind on EVERYTHING while on my vacation. I am almost caught up now and blogging was definitely on my to do list!! While I was in New Jersey visiting Charlie's family, I (being the bestest cousin-in-law ever!) took some pictures of the little cousins.

Here is the new baby, Kara. She is such a chunk and I love it!! This is one of my absolute FAVORITE ages to photograph. Happy, smiling, chunky, sitting up but not moving yet = the best subject ever!
Do you see those dimples on her butt? So adorable!!




I have been dying to photograph kids in a big white tub. They are hard to find. I was squealing for joy when I saw this tub...with a huge window for natural light! I doesn't take much to amuse me.


Can you believe the eyes on this baby??


Here are a couple pictures of Natalie at the park...


The child may not look ANYTHING like me...but she does make my facial expressions! Both of my kids inherited my very expressive face ;)


Here are the two cousins together...they had so much fun playing together. Could they get any more opposite??


Jenna and baby Kara...


Just Jenna...


And here's the only boy cousin, Stephen. This was actually the first time I had met cute!


Stephen looks exactly like his beautiful mom!



I have some big news to announce soon!! If you are friends with me on facebook, you probably already know but I will announce it on the blog next week!

Til next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the kids are gorgeous! I think I've been distracted by Natalie's hair color that I never noticed her eye color is so pretty. Looks like you had a great time. And the cousins are all totally sweet and cute. Love the naked baby photos! Adorable!!! - Jade

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