Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Amy {Orlando Maternity Photographer}

You may remember this family from a while back. Austin was just about to have hip surgery the last time I posted. I am happy to say that he is doing better than ever!! He was actually walking this time which is so amazing. He also has some exciting news...his mommy is expecting three new baby sisters!!

Amy is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She is already on bedrest so we were a little limited with our session. I still had so much fun and I have so many favorites. Amy is stuck in bed for the next 10 weeks or so. Please keep her in your thoughts that she makes it to at least 34 weeks and all three babies come out healthy. On a side note...I am jumping with excitment because I get to photograph multiples! I have been DYING to get my hands on mulitples! I can't wait to post their newborn pictures!! Ok, onto the pictures...

Can you believe she is pregnant with triplets?? I don't think I looked this good with ONE baby!


Awww...sweet little Austin and his mommy...poor Amy can't pick him up.



I had the pleasure of meeting Amy's mom. They were so sweet together. Amy's mom has been the biggest help!


Amy was modeling for me...she doesn't even look pregnant!




The sweet family...soon to be a family of 6!!


They are so sweet together...







This was inspired from one of my favorite photographers, Susan Stripling. She is amazing!


Amy is modeling again...she is so gorgeous!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3 babies in that little belly! My goodness! I especially like the shot of mommy and hubby with the sun flare coming in between them right on her belly. So cute! She looks great! Can't wait to see the photos of those three girls. - Jade

weddings photographer